Swimming Safety

As we enter the summer months we will all start to spend a large portion of our time at some of the many local Long Island beaches like Robert Moses or even over at Fire Island to cool off and have a nice swim. As much as it’s important to enjoy yourself, it’s important to remember to practice swimming safety.
When it comes to swimming safety, it is very important to be extra careful with children! Always make sure someone is supervising them when near or around water. Make sure that you and your children are only swimming when an active lifeguard is on duty. If a child cannot swim yet, make sure they are wearing a proper swim vest or floaties when in or near the water at all times. If you or your child is an inexperienced swimmer, swimming lessons would be a great way of getting in-person safety lessons as well as proper swimming techniques that will help keep you safe in all situations. While swimming another tip is to be aware of the water depth you are entering. If you are not sure, diving head first can be a potentially dangerous situation as you can seriously injure your head and neck. Also while in the ocean be aware of potential aquatic life and do your best to avoid them. Be sure to watch out for rip currents, as rip currents can be life threatening and account for a number of deaths every year. If you do get stuck in a rip current, don’t panic and just swim parallel to the shore until you are eventually out of the rip current.
There are many things to be aware of when swimming; thus why it is necessary to take the proper swimming safety precautions. If you follow the proper guidelines then there should be nothing to worry about and you’ll be on your way to enjoying the best summer yet!