Outdoor Injury Prevention

As we all continue to settle into our “new normal,” many people have begun to alter their fitness regimens. Since gyms and other fitness facilities will remain closed for the foreseeable future, outdoor exercise has undoubtedly increased. While this is a great way to stay healthy, outdoor activity can also lead to injuries if you’re not careful. To help you avoid becoming injured, our team at United Rehab Hands On Physical Therapy would like to offer some advice.
Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
Whether you are running, riding a bike, or participating in another form of activity, you must be fully aware of your surroundings. A failure to do so can lead to serious injury. The next time you step outside to exercise, we recommend doing the below:
Avoid exercises on uneven surfaces when possible.
Steer clear of potholes.
Mind your personal space around others to avoid bumps and falls.
Wear Protective Gear
Trips and falls are amongst the most common causes of outdoor injury. While sometimes they cannot be prevented, always wearing the right gear for activity is a great way to remain healthy. Doing so includes:
Running shoes that offer proper ankle and arch support.
Cleats when you are participating in activities that take place on grass or turf fields.
Helmets, elbows, and knee pads when biking, rollerblading, or skateboarding.
Stay Hydrated
With the weather getting warmer each day, staying hydrated should always be at the top of your mind. Your body can become dehydrated quicker than usual in the summer months, increasing the chances of you suffering from muscle spasms and cramps. Heatstroke can also become a concern if you’re not careful.
Don’t Forget To Warm-Up
Moving around when your body is still stiff greatly increases the likelihood of sustaining an outdoor injury. Your body needs to be prepared for the vigours that are about to come, which is why you must always remember to complete a warm-up before any activity. By performing a series of static and dynamic stretches, it will allow you to limber up and be physically active without an increased risk of overexerting your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Contact Us
Even after doing your best to prevent injury, our team at United Rehab Hands On Physical Therapy knows that they can still occur at any time. When this takes place, working with a team of experts can prevent them from becoming any worse. If you need treatment or are looking for additional prevention methods, make sure you contact us today!